anime adaptation of the manga Ore no yubi de midarero. ~Heitengo no salon, ijiwaru ni jirasarete” from the popular author Neco. The film adaptation is scheduled for 2020. The story is set in modern Japan. The main character Fumi-Chan works part-time in a fancy beauty salon, where she is constantly lectured by a cute hairdresser Sosuke. Fumi is very much afraid of Sasuke-kun’s touch, because each of his touches causes a whole storm of emotions in her…
“Every place he touches with his fingers burns and throbs… The secret embrace in the dressing room… If he keeps going, I won’t be able to keep silent any longer …!””
Year: 2020 Year.
Release date: 2020
Source: Manga
Genre: Josei, Romance
Quality: WEB-720PX
language: Subbed
English name: Ore no Yubi de Midarero. Heitengo Futarikiri no Salon de…
Original name: 俺の指で乱れろ。~閉店後のサロン、意地悪に焦らされて
Director: Noshitani Mitsutaka
Studio: Magic Bus