Hentai anime “Muramata-san no Himitsu” is based on the manga of the same name by Igumox. The release is scheduled for July 2020. The story is set in a typical Tokyo office company.
“”Muramasa-San is a great mentor. Every time my boss tells me off, she supports me with her sweet smile. It is very easy and fun to work with. However, I keep asking myself, ” why does she always cover her mouth when she laughs?”..
Year: 2020 Year.
Release date: 17.07.2020
Source: Manga
Genre: Big tits, Oral sex
Quality: WEB-1080PX
language: Subbed
English name: Muramata-san no Himitsu
Original name: Muramata-san no Himitsu
Studio: Queen Bee